dreadful mirror | Teen Ink

dreadful mirror

September 22, 2023
By Anonymous

Tw: body dysmorphia


"Oh my goodness your gorgeous" they say/I wonder who they are seeing/it cannot be me/I only see my too big nose/uneven eyes/too small but too big lips

I see the small rolls my stomach has/call myself 'fat'/look at my frame, eat more, eat less/call myself too skinny/too weak

I look at my smile and think it weird/when I look in the mirror I see an ugly girl/when I see my photos I cringe

convince myself its all true/i'm my biggest critic/the issue/the one who feels lied to/she only denies the truth

I can't accept a compliment/what's wrong with me/They say she's so pretty/but I only see the fault within me

When you look in the mirror what do you see?

The author's comments:

This piece is meant to be inconsistent in the perspective, switching between her/she and i/me.

Know that you are beautiful, for you're your own worst critic, your biggest cheerleader, and the only opinion that matters

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