Heartfelt | Teen Ink


September 21, 2023
By Anonymous

His heart was beating fast.

His life hung on her next gesture; 

he was glad.

He was so irrationally happy,

it was like a shock of silent joy.

All his thoughts were intoxicating; 

all night in the blackness and with

all the long misery

Ethan felt in his heart.

He was a prisoner for life—

there was no way out.

The glow of passion sent a pang through him

and her presence flooded him.

Another eye catching a glimpse but

a storm of jealousy suffused him.

So violent, the bitterness, and vain effort.

What destruction of his hopes.

He felt the dumb melancholy, 

and no ray of light.


And still he couldn't let her go.

The author's comments:

This poem was influenced by the book Ethan Frome by Edith Wharton. This book tells the story of a man Ethan, who has fallen madly in love with a girl. In the book, he writes this girl a long, heartfelt, letter explaining his devotion to and love for her. In writing this poem, I hoped to capture those feelings and emotions from a third person point of view. I started with quotes explaining how happy Ethan was around the girl and slowly moved on to how his feelings caused despair and anguish in him as he knew he could never leave her.

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This article has 1 comment.

on Sep. 26 2023 at 7:57 am
SunnySkies GOLD, Cleveland, Tennessee
19 articles 4 photos 20 comments

Favorite Quote:
Cheer up my brother live in the sunshine, we'll understand it, all by and by.

At first I thought this was about a murderer somehow. xD