I Remember Her | Teen Ink

I Remember Her

September 21, 2023
By kagreen BRONZE, Cascade, Iowa
kagreen BRONZE, Cascade, Iowa
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I Remember Her


I remember knowing my sister before I even met her.

How I made plans to tell stories and create adventures with her

 and she didn’t even know it yet.


I remember anxiously waiting for her to come home

so that I could finally say hi to my sister,

and inform her on what she had missed in my life.


I remember waiting for her to say her first word

so we could whisper to each other secrets and gossip,

or to yell and scream at each other, when one of us got annoyed.


I remember waiting for her to take her first steps;

 that we could run in the yard and play together.

Or run away from each other whenever we would make either of us angry.


I remember waiting for her to grow up

so that I could teach her life skills and give her advice,

while having each other’s backs when one of us would fall.


I remember looking back at all the days,

when my plans that I had made for us

became memories that we both could share.

The author's comments:

This piece is about a girl waiting for her sister to grow up so they can do all the things she planned for them to do together.

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