Senior Year | Teen Ink

Senior Year

September 18, 2023
By Anonymous

Senior Year 
The year of lasts is already here. 
We waited four years for this, 
and now the time has come. 
Our hands engrave chalk into our senior parking spots. 
Our hair covered in white baby powder on cold Friday nights. 
Arm in arm with our parents in the gym we called home, 
we honor the four years of dedication we gave. 
One final dance in our gowns and heels, 
dancing the night away with my friends one last time. 
Our heads held high in our caps and gowns, 
 receiving our diploma with a shake of our hand. 
Friends and family gather to celebrate a closing chapter. 
Anticipation grows as we receive acceptance from the school of our dreams. 
Our work here is done, 
and boy it has been fun. 
The future may bring some tears and fears, 
but it is time to write the next chapter. 
All the memories made; I would never trade. 

The author's comments:

This piece was written to show a timeline of senior year and how important it to enjoy each moment. 

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