I Needed Some Help | Teen Ink

I Needed Some Help

September 16, 2023
By doctordoomies BRONZE, Flushing, Michigan
doctordoomies BRONZE, Flushing, Michigan
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I need some help,

These grades were so bad you could tell,

Am I ringing a bell?

Other kids arent doing well,

Heads hollow as a shell,

He’s not stupid he’s lazy as kelp,

Doesn't want to move on his own,

Telling people to watch their tone,

He doesn't want to stay in his zone,


Go get some help

Your grades are so bad I can tell,

You're ringing a bell,

Us kids arent doing well,

Heads hollow as a shell,

We're not stupid were lazy as kelp,

We dont want to move on our own,

Tellin people to watch their tone,

We don't want to stay in our zones,

I got some help

These grades so good you could tell,

I should be ringing a bell,

You should start doing well,

Heads full as a cup,

He is so smart he’s rising up,

Right to the top like what up,

Joining the club with all of us,

We’re doing our work, we’re beating the bus,

Early to school were beating the bell,

So let me ask you, do you need some help?

The author's comments:

I'm a 13-year-old boy who enjoys making poems, specifically raps. I want to go to a great college when I grow up and I want to be a neurosurgeon. My teacher told me about this website so I started trying to publish today. This poem is about me starting to do good in school after needing help with my friends for 2 years of middle school. It has a lot of meaning because it explains my school hardships.

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