Who am I | Teen Ink

Who am I

September 16, 2023
By doctordoomies BRONZE, Flushing, Michigan
doctordoomies BRONZE, Flushing, Michigan
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Who am I,

I’m a kid with a dream to fly,

Dreams so big that could send me to the sky,

I let out a sigh,

In class, I got to do work like why?

So much work enough time to bake me a pie,

Maybe fry some fries,

With a little ketchup on the side,

Like who am I

When I look at my shoes that I see I have to  tie,

I start to think, why was I chosen to be alive,

My purpose on this earth is to live and then die,

I’ll make the most with what I can,

But the rest I’ll put in a can and say bye-bye,

I don't get why people are shy,

You should make the most of this time,

You could do bad things like lie,

But who am I

I’m a hockey player with basketball genes,

I hate the material of jeans,

I have a little garden that I weed,

Recently I just planted a seed,

Harvested mint leaves,

Just prayed then made some beats,

On my PC,

I guess I'm just a kid,

But that's all I need to be.

The author's comments:

I'm a 13-year-old schoolboy with a dream of going to a really good university. I enjoy making poems, mostly raps. My teacher assigned a poem project and really liked mine so she recommended that I publish it on this website. I made this poem about my identity because it has a lot of meaning to it. It means a lot to me when I get appreciated for my hard work.

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