hunting | Teen Ink


September 15, 2023
By Anonymous

Laying in layout blinds  

Like a lay-down chair at the beach

With a fabric shell around me

And hazel-nut-colored corn stalks tucked into the fabric 

To camouflage me into the ground

From the waist up is a double swinging door

That will pop open quickly when i want to shoot

Shotgun in my lap 

Calls around my neck 

big spread of decoys at my feet 

geese flying over  

 into the spread 

Like my family when we are all gathering around the dinner table to eat 

Goose hunting is better than Christmas morning 

Shooting them brids and watching them drop 

Knowing that i will be eating some good goose steaks for the next couple days 

There is nothing better


by connor brown

The author's comments:

i wrote it  yesterday 

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