The Dinosaur That Couldn't | Teen Ink

The Dinosaur That Couldn't

September 15, 2023
By Anonymous

The Dinosaur who couldn’t 


A T rex will never know the joy of putting olives on the end of its claws because its arms are too short.


He tries and tries but cannot He tries so hard he falls over unable to get back up.


 He tried again but sadly he ran out of olives with no olives what could he do now?


Wait he said go buy more olives he then bought more olives. 


To try again he keeps trying and trying again and he almost gets it he then finally gives up.


He taped little sticks to his fingers and then tried to put the olives on the end of the stick  For now his fingers were even farther away.


All of the olives in the ground little rats and mice were eating them up with their little mouths.


So then they have full tummies and are ready to sleep for the next couple of days.


The t rex finally gives up on the olives

 and finally admits defeat he has run out of olives again…

The author's comments:

i wrote this pice because i thing dinosaurs are funny 

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