Bittersweet Breakup | Teen Ink

Bittersweet Breakup

September 15, 2023
By KayKoe2024 BRONZE, Osceola, Wisconsin
KayKoe2024 BRONZE, Osceola, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The living room twenty-twenty-three

I see your fist fly at me

I dip to duck, but I fail

I can only hope you end up in Jail

Been’ trying to leave for so long

I hope to wake up one day and you’re just gone

So let me host a courageous look and find

Maybe then I can speak what’s on my mind

You have a bitter and empty heart 

I cannot wait until you play your genuine part

A gentle mind, that’s what others see

But you’re the purest of evils, and cannot fool me

After you disappear my heart won't break

The times we spent together I will shake

I'm done playing games, i'm not your pawn

So come tomorrows dawn, you will be gone

The new life I lead will be the one to break day

“Single Now” I will display

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