Corn, Combines, Cows | Teen Ink

Corn, Combines, Cows

September 15, 2023
By liefflan000 BRONZE, Osceola, Wisconsin
liefflan000 BRONZE, Osceola, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I am a farmer who plows fields and cultivates to prepare them for seeding 

The fields grow, seeds turning into plants

When plants hit their peak, we harvest with a combine,

After the combine gets full, bring the tractor over with a trailer to unload.

Repeat the process until the field is harvested.

Then, start plowing the field again.

You can plant the same seeds as before.

The plant cycle continues, starting a new one with the next generation of plants.

The crops can be sold or used for feeding animals 

Such as cows, sheep, pigs, chickens, or horses.

The author's comments:

I like farming

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