Flickering Lights | Teen Ink

Flickering Lights

September 15, 2023
By Anonymous

The street light is flickering.

Struggling to illuminate what lies underneath.

The people passing under are only cast in the light for a moment

Before walking on into the rest of the bright-lit road.

Every other light remains perfectly lit.

Not once faltering, even for a second.

Fully illuminating those who walk under in their shine.

But this street light flickers.

Every night it flickers.

On, and off, on, and off.

The flickering grows slower each night.

Until eventually, it dies out.

But the street is not cast into darkness;

The other lights refuse to let it fall to that.

It remains flooded with light

The street shines on. 

The author's comments:

I'm a senior at Osceola High School.

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