Dear 9th Place | Teen Ink

Dear 9th Place

September 15, 2023
By Hennecoo BRONZE, Dresser, Wisconsin
Hennecoo BRONZE, Dresser, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Back to the beginning 

The moment I started sprinting around my house,

Running from my Dog to in the elementary 

Hallways, bouncing class to class, my legs 

Were always moving even in the past four 

Years as a student my legs continue to bounce 

And shake up and down during 5th period. 

Like a car revving up its engine before a race 

Or a dog waiting to be let off its leash, 

Sitting, just waiting for that bell to release.

Out at practice. I am free to roam and express

All of my emotion and competitive energy,

Pent up from the fights with parents, teachers, friends, girlfriends 

And … especially with myself, you are always my shoulder to lean on.

My most supportive companion and most astute critic.

From the blistering 90 degree days where a PR will never satisfy 

And the only thing on my mind is conquest.

To the playground races where winning by a second

Was never enough, to the impossible long games of tag 

Where I could never end as “it.”

The author's comments:

This piece was inspired by how I let out all of my pent up energy and emotion through running as well as my passion for running. 

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