Dear Tennis, | Teen Ink

Dear Tennis,

September 15, 2023
By Anonymous

The moment I stepped foot on the court I 

Was scared of you. You were a bright yellow ball I 

Had never used besides playing fetch with my dog. As you

Came in contact with my racquet, you

Richocheted the opposite direction 

and went flying over the fence. I 

Hated you. I 

Wanted nothing more than to hit a down the line 

Shot and get a game winning point, but you

Wouldn’t allow it. I let you

Get to my head and take everything out of me. You

Convinced me I wouldn’t be good at the game, but I 

Told myself I wasn’t letting you

Control me anymore.

I changed my mindset and 

turned tennis into MY game. I

Can now feel all of the stress leaving my body like a weight off my shoulders. I 

Swing my racquet and immediately, I 

Know this sport will forever hold a place in my heart.

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