Give Eden Back to me. | Teen Ink

Give Eden Back to me.

September 12, 2023
By Anonymous

Eden my darling tree,


Please come back to me.


I need your pollinating power,


For it is the only thing that makes my heart flower.


They took you away,


So I can only long for your day.


I look at the flower bed,


In which you used to lay your head.


Give Eden back to me.


Give Eden back to me.


I don't want to grieve


Please don't leave.

The author's comments:

Hello, I'm Nex! This is my latest and best poem I've written so far in my opinion. It was inspired by many things, but main hardships in relationships, how people find it hard to let go. This poem emphasizes that glimmer of hope that that one special person will come back.

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