Selfish | Teen Ink


September 12, 2023
By Anonymous

Pretty girl

You thought you knew her from the start

Everything about her from appearance to her heart

You loved her

Or what you thought she was 

Put your labels on her and you did it just because

You knew her

Chubby girl with a pencil in her hand

Nose up in a book cause people she just couldn’t stand

She was different

But you still called her precious 

Such a great granddaughter, niece “our god has really blessed us”

Did you love her?

When you hurt her just because

Teased her til she cried and called her names that f*cked her up

You f*cked her up

You say you couldn’t cause your family

Though you ignore her needs and push her down and say that she's unmanly

Now you mourn her

Cause she told you she had changed

He cut his hair and changed his name so you called him deranged

You said he killed her

Did he really though?

You didn't see the smile when he told her she could go

He saved her

And she's part of who he is

His smile and his laughter every part of what is his

She’s still there 

But you don’t get her anymore

For you drove her to sit bloody on the freezing tile floor

While he freed her

He and her are holding hands

You don’t get the girl I was, you’ll never get the man I am

The author's comments:

Hi! My name is Nico (he/him) 

I'm a transgender artist and writer. It really helps me to release and deal with my emotions through art and I hope to share that with others as well.

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