I Love You But There’s an Ersatz War Happening | Teen Ink

I Love You But There’s an Ersatz War Happening

September 12, 2023
By Anonymous

Ersatz war ersatz war

You tear skin off leaving my barbarity to show

Ersatz war ersatz war

I cannot see you as real

But when he stands there in the glorious light

The sickly yellow bouncing off his bulky glasses sticking out against the traces of sorrow in his dark eyebags

I can wish you, you who is horrid, into reality

Ersatz war you exist in the depths of my soul

Ersatz war you leave my skin sore

My acorn coffee tastes like coal tar

Trenches I’ve intrenched myself in spew dirt from every angle

But there he was, enveloped in light

His solitary eyes and sickly eyes dance out to me amidst all the screams

One day, he would make a soldier, a pawn in our fated ersatz war

Right now he will be mine, mine to treasure and hold for all we have left

But fury leaves a nasty bite

And it leaves your skin so bitter

Her shrieks circle around and around until you fall over

An utterly worthless being with no power

Inflated ego to be called “Leader”

False as our war

Three hours of torturous strife

Us against them

Fury against rage

Fury against peace

But where do I lie?

Perhaps it was always my destiny to prevail

For my glory I will fight

Forever proving myself a sinner

The author's comments:

I wrote this poem through the perspective of an original character of mine. He is a very lonely and desolate person, trapped in a summer camp trying to find his place.

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