If You Really Knew Me | Teen Ink

If You Really Knew Me

September 11, 2023
By writingpeaks BRONZE, Pomfret, Maryland
writingpeaks BRONZE, Pomfret, Maryland
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

In my dream I remember running

from something I hadn’t known

No one seemed to notice

but yet I ran, with nowhere to go.


If you knew me, you’d see

what truly lies behind my smile is

a girl whose heart has been hurting

For more than just a while.

The dreams I have are heavy and

the thought of dreaming makes me blue

Even though they aren’t that many,

maybe I won’t live to see them through.

If you knew me, I’d be different 

in your eyes and the world’s as well 

Maybe then you’d understand 

where the thoughts in my mind often dwell.

In my dream, it is easier 

to live without the pain

I could laugh, and scream, giggle and run 

without thinking of the worst days. 

I find it funny,

that in these dreams 

there was no concept of time.

I’d like to go back to that place I dreamed of, 

that place that never left my mind

The author's comments:

Hello! I am an amateur writer who spends most of her free time curating poems and writing little quotes. My love for writing is a really large part of who I am so hopefully this piece will showcase the emotions and vulnerability it intends too. 

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