Pyramus and Thisbe | Teen Ink

Pyramus and Thisbe

September 10, 2023
By superchloe666 BRONZE, Shanghai, Other
superchloe666 BRONZE, Shanghai, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Tremulously, gently,

Under the shade of mulberry tree you caress me. 

The veils of the night conceal us,

From the watchful eyes and garish lights .



Let your love whisper awakes my sensation. 

Enlightens the stirring darkness with enchanting utterance.

From the rosy lips of yours I crave for darkness. 



our souls entwined with the oath we swore.

Sweet intoxication is a raging fire,

engulfs us in the scorching glare.



Death is a callous beast, 

at night he hunts for a brutal feast.

My delicate petals were shredded to pieces.


your silhouette shimmering under pale moonlight,

your enthralling tunes lingers in my mind.

You alone can make my heart take flight.

The author's comments:

This poem is inspired by Ovid’s mythical love tragedy: “Pyramus and Thisbe.” The poem focuses on depicting Pyramus’s feelings after he discovered Thisbe’s death. In this piece of work, I present my own interpretation of their relationship and the theme of eternal love.

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