Ghosts at School | Teen Ink

Ghosts at School

September 10, 2023
By nerdyaugz BRONZE, Somerset, New Jersey
nerdyaugz BRONZE, Somerset, New Jersey
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Reading is something everypony can enjoy, if they just give it a try."<br /> ―Twilight Sparkle

Walking into school again

Feels like the same day everyday

All the ghosts around me staring at their phones

Waiting for a text

Waiting for attention


How to make a friend here is to have a phone addiction

You bond over the phone

You laugh over the reels you send to each other

You grow closer and closer and lose your color

Until you become a ghost


As I sit in class today

I raise my hand again and again

My teacher letting me talk while on her phone

Texting her friends about how horrible her students are

At this point I teach myself

To talk to myself in my head


Why do the creators of these phones still have their color?


Sitting in lunch is the worst

Everyone laughs

Over text

Everyone talks

Over text

In the same room

At the same table

With my mouth full of colorful food

I stare at them

And open my mouth to talk


They don't look up

Not even a glance

Getting a notification from my phone

I take it from my backpack and look at it

I got a "hi" back


I work till I pass out

I read to not feel depressed again

I look at my college list hoping that it will be different

That I can actually be friends with someone again

Until then

I am alone in this school


Give in someday and become a ghost

Just like them

The author's comments:

Hello, my name is August and I wrote this piece on how hard it is to make friends in this generation (with it being Gen Z). Coming back to school I realized how many people were addicted to their phones. I couldn't make any friends because everyone was interested in Instagram and Tik-Tok. I wanted to spread awareness about this addiction and hopefully make someone who is in this situation not feel alone.

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