The Girl Who Murdered the Mirror | Teen Ink

The Girl Who Murdered the Mirror

September 8, 2023
By NHwang BRONZE, Anaheim, California
NHwang BRONZE, Anaheim, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

There was girl

Who saw the mirror

Then murdered it

Every reflection she saw she killed it out of cold blood

Every puddle was kicked until dry

Every window shattered with the bullet of her heart

Her biggest enemy though was the mirror

She grabbed the knifes made of loathing 

And stabbed the mirror

She punched it with her hands of hatred

The mirror went everywhere

Bleeding with red blood 

The girl laughed

With bloody hands and broken fist

She grabbed her hair covering her face like a curtain

Like a mask 

And she laughed

She went mad, crazy

She went back to the mirror

Only to see that it lived through 

the shatters it became 

She wished she was Narcissus

Who fell in love with his reflection

And even though his vainness was the end of him

He died a beautiful flower

A Narcissus

If she died staring at her reflection

She would become stone 

Just like Medusa

So the girl murdered the mirror

Until it can no longer reflect what it saw

It became glass dust that flew away

Carry what it is left of her

She killed her reflection

So she can never see her again 

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