Folded Up Flag | Teen Ink

Folded Up Flag

September 8, 2023
By joslyp2024 BRONZE, Wood Dale, Illinois
joslyp2024 BRONZE, Wood Dale, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I watched as a marine comes out

he marches somberly 

stops in his tracks

right face

One knee on the ground

“On behalf-"

Everything goes silent

Tears pouring down my face

Reliving the heartbreak

My aunt holding onto the one thing she has left of you

I wanted to scream at god all over again

I will never forget that day

I refuse to look at the flag the same anymore.

Not since i saw a loved one become a

Folded flag.

The author's comments:

This piece is about my uncle who passed away from colon cancer in May of 2022, he is a marine corps vet and helped me when I told him I wanted to join.This piece in particular is about when I went to his celebration of life.

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