The Tattoo | Teen Ink

The Tattoo

September 7, 2023
By rdrew930 BRONZE, Cascade, Iowa
rdrew930 BRONZE, Cascade, Iowa
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The Tattoo  
Tattoos hurt a lot, 
I know from experience.  
But they can be one of the most beautiful artworks.  
painful yet stunning  
Life is one of the most beautiful observations, 
I have seen that with my own eyes, 
yet can hit you like a rhino’s charge   
Stunning yet painful  
Both are painful. 
 Both are beautiful.  
But you think they are opposites 
Because they present themselves differently 
Tattoos are thought to be dark and scary; 
life is thought to be light and happy; 
but both are stunning and painful- 
life with its oppositions and tattoos with its needles.  
Both are beautiful in their own way.  
Tattoos are works of art permanent and unwavering 
Life if the observation of events unlikely to happen  
yet they happen anyway. 

The author's comments:

I had recently got my first tattoo and it means a lot to me, so I thought it would be nice to write about. 

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