Fuscous Knowledge | Teen Ink

Fuscous Knowledge

September 2, 2023
By rvinu BRONZE, Maple Valley, Washington
rvinu BRONZE, Maple Valley, Washington
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The laugh of the child,

cracked the tension filled air.

The obliviousness the child wore,

refreshed everyone's heart.

The eccentric way the child acted,

bothered everyone’s expectations.

The child’s apathetic personality,

showed he was unapologetically himself.

The teen remembered vividly,

how his friend chose another person over him.

It was still evocative even though it’s been days.

He put on a mask for his crumbling face while meeting new people.

He acted like his friend’s taunting words didn’t haunt all his what if’s.

Only if his friend could hear his heart cracking minute by minute.

His heart shattered after wearing the mask for too long,

and he could hear the pieces fall.

His mom told him, 

“Darling there will be people in your life disguised as a daydream 

even though they’re a nightmare.”

He acknowledged the pain and moved on.

His first gained knowledge, 

came with suffering.

His fantasies of being innocent,

 fragmented every time.

With every step of the way,

he had drops of new knowledge,

that was pyrrhic in the end.

The author's comments:

I wrote this piece because of the painful path that you need to go through in order to learn lessons and gain knowledge. 

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