Exceptional | Teen Ink


September 2, 2023
By ndavi BRONZE, Watertown, Massachusetts
ndavi BRONZE, Watertown, Massachusetts
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments




Is a debt

I’m not willing to pay.

I cannot let the insolence

Of the indolent

Lead me astray.

Sure, my life has edges frayed,

But what’s important is presently being okay.

My mind…

Too many weaknesses masked as gifts.

What some people wish they had has led me adrift

From reality,

In all practicality.

The duality of my existence is foreign to many,

And for that deceit, I don’t owe them a penny.

People like to believe they want the truth,

But if lying to yourself is what constitutes

Common sense,

Then I cannot be the one who’s dense.

With a spirit elusive,

An enigmatic soul,

Who am I to expect anyone to understand the toll

Of living a dream inconclusive?

One thing is for certain:

I cannot be a burden.

That has been my role 

For too many memory lanes I cannot stroll.

My only wish 

Is that I won't become enveloped in a persona I hate.

They call me exceptional, with a unique niche

But I am everything except someone whose thoughts can create.

They destroy.

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