I Am | Teen Ink

I Am

September 1, 2023
By Anonymous

I am the whisper of dawn's first light,
A canvas painted with dreams each night.
I am the laughter in a child's play,
The wisdom found at the end of the day.

I am the echo of a songbird's call,
The strength to rise after every fall.
I am the scent of the earth after rain,
A melody of joy amidst life's pain.

I am the pages of a well-worn book,
A hidden nook where stories took.
I am the artist of my own creation,
Shaping my path with determination.

I am the journey, the winding road,
A tapestry of tales yet untold.
I am the sum of experiences I've known,
A soul that continues to grow and own.

I am the present, a gift so divine,
In this moment, I truly shine.
I am the me I've come to be,
A unique soul, wild and free.

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