Masa Depan (Future) | Teen Ink

Masa Depan (Future)

September 1, 2023
By crystal_silfanus BRONZE, Wolfeboro, New Hampshire
crystal_silfanus BRONZE, Wolfeboro, New Hampshire
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

It’s odd actually,

Seeing biological matter co-exist with machines —

Black and white imaginings of 1960s television live in living color.

A blur of box-like electric vehicles whiz by,

The melodic sounds of bike bells

Reverberate in air so clean like an oasis.

Fresh, pure air. 

The trees dance in the wind, blissfully unaware

That to live here is good fortune.

Children laugh as they play in un-flooded parks.

People relish the constant presence of nature’s beauty

And work to uphold its sanctity.

Returning back to reality,

Renderings of the new city float back into my vision.

The improvement was wonderful.

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