Seat Belt | Teen Ink

Seat Belt

August 30, 2023
By danidayz BRONZE, Kensington, Maryland
danidayz BRONZE, Kensington, Maryland
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Sometimes it feels as if i'm not the driver

I'm not even the passenger 

I'll lay in the trunk 

Shifting as we go over speed bumps 

Sometimes ill scream for help

Hope that we get pulled over

But we won't

The highway is empty 

Accidents don't happen on empty highways

Even if we wished to be flung from the car 

The seatbelts constrict us

It stays as our last bit of control

Even as I brace for impact with a smile on my face 

I'm still fastened in 

The author's comments:

This piece pretains to the feeling of being overwhelmed and not in control of your life

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