Clockwork | Teen Ink


August 26, 2023
By bloodr3drubies BRONZE, Bengaluru, Other
bloodr3drubies BRONZE, Bengaluru, Other
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Clockwork like I trudge

Trudge through the day

Day turns to night and again

Again I wake up and do the same

Same doesn't mean boring

Boring yet it is

Is this what I want to do?

Do I want to utilise time lie this?

This is how I envisaged 12th to be honestly,

Honestly I still hate it

It exahusts me too much

Much I shrug past

Past 2 it is going on

On I study yet

Yet academic success is out of my hands

Hands trembling holding my grades

Grades which won't fulfil my family this time

Times I feel like I want to leave

Leaving is not an option so

So clockwork like I trudge

The author's comments:

I wrote this during my psychology class and with my midterms coming up, I guess it encompasses how I feel everyday of every week now.

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