Columbia | Teen Ink


August 25, 2023
By taaralindley BRONZE, Bandung, Other
taaralindley BRONZE, Bandung, Other
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"For now we see in a mirror dimly, but then face to face; now I know in part, but then I will know fully, just as I also have been fully known."

I Hate America

I Love America

I would not harm America

The FDR the FBI I’m scared of My America

My America, Columbia

Forgotten propaganda

As beautiful as Nast’s portrait

Tall and fair, respect her

Bow for her America

Stand for her America

Kneel for her America

Die for her America

America, Columbia

Weaponized America

Was Rosenberg American?

Who is worthy, America?

Was Sipple American?

Am I enough for you, America? 

Who is America, Columbia?

Who do you keep for her?

Who do you buy for, Columbia?

Where does your power lie?

In rolling mountains?

In fields of cotton?

Gold mines and silver fountains?

Church steeples, iron horses, red news, New York tenements?

In the red and brown, yellow, black, and white, who does your affiliation guide?

Where is your loyalty, America?

Where is your pride?

America, Columbia!

I cannot tell a lie.

I loathe you, my America

I adore you, my America

I am you, my America

I’ll lay for you, my America, 

My Columbia, my life.

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