My Maude | Teen Ink

My Maude

August 25, 2023
By taaralindley BRONZE, Bandung, Other
taaralindley BRONZE, Bandung, Other
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"For now we see in a mirror dimly, but then face to face; now I know in part, but then I will know fully, just as I also have been fully known."

The devil of my mind 

A maudlin Mary Magdalene

Turned incarnadine

Flushed to thirst I thought of you

Bloody sweet sixteen

A child to your mothering

The first time I met you

There were almonds in your eyes

I could eat them alive

And it was all too late there was honey on your hands 

You had sugar dripping down

Your hands were in my mouth

Ripping and pulling out

Innards into pulp under polished flexing hands

Taking and taking and taking

You’re more than anyone could stand.

And I couldn’t survive 

I’m sure I must have died

A toweress they ruined you

But it was all too late their hands were on your throat

And you couldn’t survive 

I saw you drew in spite

Still glaring like a kite

I wish I was you knifed

I wish I was your wife

With her dark eyes 

reflect a romanticised 

violence I’m insecure 

in your likeness and in my adoration

You’re a warm summer rain

Unexpected unwillingly welcomed

As a hot breeze blows across the face

You whip me and twist me and turn to trip 

Roots rupturing concrete and sidewalk 

Like you

Gripping and grasping

Like you

I’m broken-up glass shards in heels 

Red nail polish dipping fingers

Taking and taking and taking

In your eyes no smile no warmth no faith

In your body, a persimmon pulped to taste

Taking and taking and taking

I’ve always loved you like a father

Taking and taking and taking

You’re more than I could ever offer.

The author's comments:

Want and womanhood. Myth and rumours. Infatuation and obsession. To women ruined.

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