Katthen | Teen Ink


August 24, 2023
By Prez SILVER, Edwardsburg, Michigan
Prez SILVER, Edwardsburg, Michigan
6 articles 0 photos 2 comments

You were exactly who

I didn’t need


I needed you to be

Who I didn’t need

Your words like calming rivers

That sent my anxiety

Over waterfalls

Cascading problem

Over cascading problem

Your constant calls

Gave me stress

Beyond the waterfalls

On edge of every hedge

Waiting for your voice over the phone


It wasn’t you

I was lookin for

I poured my heart out

An overflowing tea bag

Strong on its own

But diffused when you

Submerge it in water

You drowned me in your problems

So every conversation

Was a one sided


Telling me that your love

Was unconditional and never ending

Yet I didn’t read the fine print

The conditions in

The f*cking unconditional

Sending n*des and s*xting

Was not on the contract

For loving you

Yet it was all you

Ever seemed to want to do

Like my body

Was yours for the taking

Put on show for you

And you alone

Because your unconditional love

Was f*cked up

You were exactly what I needed

To show me

That my confidence

Doesn’t stem

From some weed

I am a flower field of emotions

Each hue it’s own story

Of how I’ve come to be

The person that stands before me

In my mirror

I finally see my reflection

Not some skeleton

Of major objection

Breaking up with you

Was exactly what I needed

To see the stress

That your fake sugar sweetness

Truly brought me

I say fake sugar

Because you were

A lie

A falsity in my reality

A major red flag

That everyone could see

But not me

You were who I needed

But also who killed me

You showed me what control

Really looks like

How I was out of it

And you had all of it

Promising cuddles and kisses

But behind closed doors

All you wanted was

My down there business

You were who I needed

To show me

How to live

Without needing you

My survival plan

No longer involved the one called


My will no longer

Addressed you as the lover

Because you belong

In the prison of liars

A tongue slip of a false truth

As I fell

Deeper in love with you

So thank you

For being the one I needed

To show me

That I never needed you

The author's comments:

This piece goes out to one person for me, but could go out to anyone. A jealous ex, an abusive parent, a bully of a friend, anyone really. 

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