Pianos For The Painoless | Teen Ink

Pianos For The Painoless

August 24, 2023
By Prez SILVER, Edwardsburg, Michigan
Prez SILVER, Edwardsburg, Michigan
6 articles 0 photos 2 comments

I wish 

To put a piano in every home

Not because of the instrument 

But because of the size

A piano is a snotty teenager

It needs its own room

And it’s own chair

A piano needs its own keys

And time to itself

But then again

A piano is also a soft old man

Waiting to tell you his story

Patient and soft

Keys in his hand

And his bench always welcoming

Never yelling or swearing

Telling soft jokes and

Slipping a candy

Into each hand

Of the heart he reaches

So I wish

To put a piano in every home

Not because of the instrument

But because of the music

It could be elegant or cold

Fur Elise or The Beatles

A silly old Piano Man

Or a rock and roll by Billy Joel

A single note is reminding

That by itself it is nothing

But pair it with a C

And you have a string

Continue to add

And you have a conversation 

One that ends with a swish

A flick of the wrist

So I wish 

To put a piano in every home

Not because of the instrument

But because of the soul

Each key carries a story

And each bench tells a tale

A foot pedal not for a car

But for changing the tune

Or the speed in which a story goes

Each note is a voice

Ranging from 2 in age

To 103

A piano does not need to be new

Or to be old

To be tuned or to be clean

It just needs to play

Wether to be a raspy old woman who smokes a pack a day

Or it be a fresh young man

Who’s slicked back hair stays that way as he plays

Because no one is similar

Except for the instrument they play

So I wish

To put a piano in every home

Because of the instrument

In which it plays

More than just hitting keys

Each note as on 

Showing how a life can change

So a piano I will put

In the biggest room possible

With the most echo and as many windows

So that maybe

As a single mom walks by

Or maybe two lovers

Or maybe the business man who works on the corner

They will hear my tale

And purchase a piano

To continue the sad story

Of a bench without a player

And a key without a home

Because maybe

Just maybe

It will reach the alone

The author's comments:

I wrote this for my mom. Because she means the world to me.

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