Where Im From | Teen Ink

Where Im From

August 24, 2023
By MckennaRiley BRONZE, Louisville, Kentucky
MckennaRiley BRONZE, Louisville, Kentucky
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Where I’m From
Mckenna Riley


I’m from family gatherings every holiday,

From house to house

One side of the family to another to celebrate


I’m from a loving mom and dad,

A supportive older sister,

Grandparents who would do anything just to see me smile,

A little cousin who looks up me,

Aunts and uncles who think I could rule the world


I’m from neighborhood friends

Not coming home until streetlights came on and dinner was served

Summers full of running and playing,

Girls and boys all together without any worries holding them back


I’m from family vacations every summer,

Long car rides with my whole family from one side of town to another

Swimming in the ocean until we are bright red from the sun


I’m from church picnics,

Fun filled days with my family

Staying up way too late dancing to all the bands playing songs I didn’t know the words to,

Wasting all my dimes on cake walks and light-up swords,


I’m from learning life lessons that will be important someday,

Making memories that will remain in my head and heart forever.

The author's comments:

This poem was originally a school assignment about where I am from. But when I was writing this poem I began to remember everything my family has said to me, the way my friends had made me feel, and all the things that I miss about my childhood. 

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