The Innocence Wars | Teen Ink

The Innocence Wars

August 23, 2023
By Prez SILVER, Edwardsburg, Michigan
Prez SILVER, Edwardsburg, Michigan
6 articles 0 photos 2 comments

it was never their fault

they never did anything wrong

they just looked at the world with wonder

stars in their eyes

as they held the sun in their cupped hands

innocence in their hearts

purity and hope

a joy that should have never been ripped away

it was never their fault

not having a place to call home

having no one to turn to

was never their issue

until it became the problem

rape and incest

unconditional love

was one word for it

non-consented love

is another

drugs given to 4 year olds

and lines on their wrists

it was never their fault

being brought into a world

that was already burned to the ground

the fires put out

yet we told them

put out the fires and begin again

they tried their hardest

molding the world to fit their tiny hands

their innocence leaving as they saw

the truth of it all

girls slipping a key between their fingers

a now viable weapon

gays holding flags with bullet holes in them

a pride parade shot down

boys growing muscles because of their expectations

a stressful life

it was never their fault

the children of the world

shoved into place

right next to us

being told that one day we’ll all be free

after the flames and the shames

yet we never understood

the consequences

the pain and suffering

paired with hopeless joy

shoving screens into the hands of the young

showing them the state of the world

before they comprehend

what that even means

The author's comments:

This poem means a lot to me. I wrote it a long time ago and this poem holds a special place in my heart. I wrote it at a time when I felt that nothing was ever going to get better with my life. 

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