Wind Drinker | Teen Ink

Wind Drinker

August 23, 2023
By Poeta_Scribbit BRONZE, Beijing, Iowa
Poeta_Scribbit BRONZE, Beijing, Iowa
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Perfect is boring! -- Micah (from the book The Words We Keep by Erin Stewart)

Today I drink the Wind.

            A liquid so light, a water so buoyant.

That lifts up the birds and soaks their fur,

Gifting them a fluid dance –

            Lushly airy, leisurely lyrical;

She brings out the tunes –

            Sonorous and alight; pervades them forth –

            As though spores of wonder – slow and free

With ease…

            A deep, drowning gulp,

            My bloodstream flushed with bliss!


Today I drink the Wind.

            A syrup sweetly colorful, a juice coursing smooth.

That drizzles on clouds with glistening gold,

            like white pieces of cotton, with edges ablaze;

Stained with sunset blood,

She dyes heaven’s veil with the cheery

blush of raw, youthful blossoms –

            now a celestial canvas plumed with smoky


            Bathed in this welkin’s sea, my body is

            of melodies humming and hues suffusing!


Today I drink the Wind.

            A tea historical, a gin wholly enriched.

That floods me with memories: from records to

allegations, from myths to legends – of stories


            cleansing my soul;

Each of my cells soaks up sentiments

As my eyes prickle with feathery


            A deliciously delicate sip, emotions

            brew as the clouds gently caress!


Today I drink the Wind…

The author's comments:

This poem is inspired by multiple London walks, from prosperous streets to the peaceful Primrose Hill.

Now, just feel...
Liquid cascading down my throat 
How silky such sooth has been wrote
Sprinkling sweetness flowing wild – 
A honeyed hymn in me thus compiled 

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