98% | Teen Ink


August 21, 2023
By Gabriela_Branson BRONZE, Bloomington, Indiana
Gabriela_Branson BRONZE, Bloomington, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The truth is I knew we weren't gonna work out

I mean, It's Highschool

But there was always a part of my mind that thought we'd be an exception

2% of high school sweethearts get married

why couldn't that be us too

It's not a rule

And I'm a good kid

A good girl

who does good in school and follow the rules 

I deserve a high school sweetheart 

I want a love story

I want to be the couple that others are jealous of

But no look at us 

A statistic 

A number


We're the trendsetters

Just one of a thousand of other couples

who broke up this summer

just like them

it cheapens it

Like my love for you didn't feel like I could travel around the world

Like the love I had was somewhat born to be flawed

But it's just high school; right?

I wanted so much

Even though I knew we were never going to work

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