School Life Memories | Teen Ink

School Life Memories

August 17, 2023
By hiteshibagra0705 BRONZE, Kolkata, Other
hiteshibagra0705 BRONZE, Kolkata, Other
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

In the halls of learning, friendships so dear,

A symphony of laughter, spreading joy and cheer.

Beneath the golden sun, friendships shall bloom,

In the garden of knowledge, dispelling all gloom.


Through the classroom's door, we stepped hand in hand,

Young hearts entwined, united in this land.

Together we discovered the wonders of the mind,

Inseparable souls, leaving no friendship behind.


In desks side by side, we doodled and dreamt,

A sanctuary of trust, where worries were unkempt.

With open hearts, we'd listen without end,

A comforting haven, a faithful, loyal friend.


In pigtails, we faced the world's scorn,

But our friendship shielded us like a cloak so worn.

We laughed away the tears, embraced each other's fears,

Together, we were conquerors, triumphing over years.


Through tests and exams, we fought the academic fight,

With study sessions late into the night.

Supporting each other, we reached for the stars,

Guided by friendship, no matter how far.


As time moves on, our paths may diverge,

But memories of school days, forever they'll surge.

For friendships forged in these hallowed walls,

Are the ones that withstand life's rises and falls.

The author's comments:

This poem is for my school and school friends. The memories of a 18 year old girl who spent 14 years of her life in this school l.

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