Narcissistic Abuse | Teen Ink

Narcissistic Abuse

August 14, 2023
By Anonymous

TW: abuse

You are the one who uses

My dreams as though they were a doormat,

Wiping your feet as you come and go.

My spirit pulsating like flowing blood pricked by a needle,

When you tell me to get thicker skin.

You are the one who uses my body

as a shelter not a home.

Using your words as stones

And sticks as knives skinning my broken bones.

You are the one who sucks me dry

To feel the warmth of a soul and shadow inside of you.

You are the one who clips my wings and uses them as crutches

Just so you can learn how to fly.

The author's comments:

This poem is about how much I hate my abusive, violent and narcissistic father. I am so grateful, that nobody has to have a brute father like him.

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