I have a purpose | Teen Ink

I have a purpose

August 14, 2023
By Anonymous

TW: Domestic Violence, Abuse

At the end of the day,

I feel a strong sense of being neglected.

The love that you gave me is rejected,

Instead of affection you gifted me trauma.


Because of you I was stuck in a foreboding sea,

And all I wanted to hear was the words escape from your mouth “sorry”.

Your conditional love found myself all alone,

The damage is surely done,

Yet somehow I’ve grown.


But to really grow for my inner conscience,

To blossom and yet to gradually bloom,

I must accept this impending doom.


At the end of this life,

I’ll learn to be who I am - to accept.

To value myself and not disrespect.


My opinions: My dreams,

Shall I bloom away: seemingly perished

For I am not worthless,

I have a purpose in life

And I am cherished

The author's comments:

As a survivor of domestic violence and abuse, this poetry has expressed my feelings as an only child seeing and receiving abuse daily from my horrific father.

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