People Pleaser | Teen Ink

People Pleaser

August 10, 2023
By neverbloom BRONZE, Lancaster, Massachusetts
neverbloom BRONZE, Lancaster, Massachusetts
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Every time people said I was pretty, I thought of everything ugly swarming beneath my clothes." -Sylvia Plath, The Bell Jar

 You're a gymnast

 Bending and flying through the air

 You appear so free

 But you're not

 You're only flexible because you have to be

 You bend so they don't break you

 You fly through the air to try and escape the world

 Even if it's only for a moment

 If you didn't contort yourself like you do, you'd be dead

 The world doesn't like people with opinions that differ from theirs

 You acknowledge their standards, and soon you strive to be like everyone else

 So you twist and turn as you force yourself into the box

 The box that you let society shove you into

 To limit you

 To make you feel small

 To crush you

 You're not a gymnast

 You're a bird in a cage

 You don't leap through the air like you used to

 You sit in the prison you put yourself in

 Now you're so bent you can't move

 You're so contorted you can't breathe

 And you suffocate

 But you chose to

The author's comments:

Just a bit of writing I thought I'd put out.

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