Another | Teen Ink


August 9, 2023
By Kathl33n2004 BRONZE, Montgomery, Texas
Kathl33n2004 BRONZE, Montgomery, Texas
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I can resist everything except temptation" - Oscar Wilde

in another life you were something dear to me

something fragile and sweet

and oh so beautiful

a burnt out star and it’s moon

a child and his mother

the grass first stepped on by man


something innocent and lovely

meant to be adored and appreciated

you and i were something accepted

accomplished and respected


they say i am wrong, that we are only what we are now but are we not everything that has ever been


a culmination of everything we were and will be all in one moment


sincere and bright


a love that cannot be described


only felt deeply

The author's comments:

sometimes i just see a sentence and need to expel it and once i do that, a storyline follows and results in a piece such as this one. 

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