Sheep | Teen Ink


August 7, 2023
By jessiewessie BRONZE, Upper Marlboro, Maryland
jessiewessie BRONZE, Upper Marlboro, Maryland
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Hi my name is Baa

I’m a sheep and last night while going home I was attacked by a lion

Fortunately I made it back to my herd I cant say the same for many other sheeps who been attacked

When I got home though I was met with something I didn't expect

Instead of being comforted I was interrogated like some type of predator, when i’m the prey?

They started off with “I'm so sorry that happened to you Baa, but were you wearing your full coat of wool”


“Well I just know lions like a little bit of shoulder if you were exposed you could have tempted the lion”

No last time I checked I was in my full coat prepped for winter

“Oh,ok well you were coming back from the stream right? How much did you have to drink”

Not much 

“ I see, are you sure you didn't make it seem like you wanted the lion to come attack, i mean you could’ve been sending him mixed messages with the way you were trotting”

I don’t think so, why would I want that?

“Are you sure you didn’t know what you were doing, I mean why were you in a lion’s den in the first place”

I wasn't in a lion’s den we were grazing the same plain i told you this

“It’s just a little confusing, how fast did you run away, did you even try to fight back, how come you didn't scream? I didn't hear and BAAAAAA last night

After hearing all these questions I realized it didn't matter how I answered them,

 even if I told them ,I ran as fast and my legs could take me, i fought as hard as I could, and couldn't scream cause he had bitten my neck

It didn't matter cause I was to blame, not the man , i mean the predator, i mean the lion who had attacked me 

but I the woman, i mean the prey, i mean the sheep who had been attacked

I soon realized that my body , I mean my mutton was something that had to be controlled, not the actions of predators but the existence of me

I no longer graze the plains at night alone

But i need my fellow animals to know this does not change anything

Sheep are attacked in broad daylight, in full coats of wool, while sober

And even if the weren't these things, you need to remember no one asks to be attacked

The author's comments:

This spoken word poem is about rape culture, and it's effects on victims.

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