Why are Black Girls So Angry | Teen Ink

Why are Black Girls So Angry

August 7, 2023
By jessiewessie BRONZE, Upper Marlboro, Maryland
jessiewessie BRONZE, Upper Marlboro, Maryland
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

 I gotta question

Why are black girls so angry

Can’t even say Hi without them being cranky 

Walking down the street with straight attitude 

They just jealous cause of how they look, well that’s what I assume

Hi I’m an “angry” black girl  

 Before you start to judge take a step into my world 

“Hey Shaniqua”, 2 people from block E had said

That’s not my name,  

But people never understand my claim

It’s so annoying when I get mixed up with another black girl

When we don't even look the same. 

They think that they can shame me 

Saying I’m 

Nappy headed!


Man just forget it 

“Lightskins or Darkskins what’s your type?”(

 What’s the difference I just don't get the hype

It really doesn’t matter don't you find that strange 

I find it disappointing my people don't understand change 

It’s just so frustrating! 

“There goes the black girl getting aggressive again” 

This stereotyping thing just never comes to an end 

To this walking caricature, I am condemned 

I got one more question

I’m just gonna say it blankly 

Please let me know

Why do we Make black girls so angry! 

The author's comments:

This piece is about how Black girls are misunderstood and angry and aggressive, when often these "attitudes" are only in response to the discrimination we face on the daily.

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