Fragility | Teen Ink


August 6, 2023
By Ehafner BRONZE, Encinitas, California
Ehafner BRONZE, Encinitas, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Garnet rosebuds,
Painted daises,
Pale pink cherry blossoms,

We all say that flowers are gorgeous;
Delicate yet resilient,
Their petals unfurling only if it’s safe to trust.

Heavenly lavender,
Azure forget-me-not,
Honeycomb marigold,
Cream-tipped tulips,

Yet snatch away their food,
Their water, their sunlight,
Their safety;
They’ll withdraw once more,
Outstretched petals now drooping,
As they fold inward for comfort,

These fragile, frightened flowers,
Cry softly to themselves,
When they’re certain the world isn’t listening.

The author's comments:

This poem is all about the theme of 'more than meets the eye'. As for me, I'm 13, and live in Encinitas, CA. 

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