Kiss of death | Teen Ink

Kiss of death

August 5, 2023
By happyernik BRONZE, Almaty, Other
happyernik BRONZE, Almaty, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

i was a desperate fool

a fool with a dream,

a dream that made me alive.

a dream for love



the ecstasy and the delirium,

the passion and delusion. 

a flight of love as an eagle above the earth

a fight that made my body hurt

a fight of mind and heart.

my mind had told me it was too good to be true

my heart did not believe me

but the mind is wiser than the heart

it seeks the truth, not the euphoric lie.

and here it was

the Love that made my heart hurt

the Love that made me deranged

the Love where i left a part of me

a part so dear, no one allowed to ever see

a part of hope and dreams

a part of happiness

of bliss

a part of innocence 

and morals

of decency and honor

the part of me that was destroyed

by the hands of Love that i cherished

the hands i kissed

so tender and sweet

yet so cold and ruthless

the hand that slaughtered my heart

my soul

the hands of death

the hands of demise

the hands that killed my hopes and dreams

a bullet through my chest

i did not think i would survive

a wound so deep it made me scream

the scream of agony, despair

a scream of terror, shock, and horror

a scream so loud

it broke my throat and lungs

yet i can still hear your voice,

feel your touch,

your Kiss

a Kiss so deadly

So lethal


a Kiss of death

the Kiss that killed a part of me.

The author's comments:

I was terribly heartbroken and in love when I wrote this poem. The written words of this piece emerged as a refuge, a sanctuary where I could tenderly unveil the rawness of my emotions without causing myself further distress. In a way, poetry helped me let go of this heartbreak.

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