goodbye | Teen Ink


August 3, 2023
By jordan_samuels BRONZE, Winston-Salem, North Carolina
jordan_samuels BRONZE, Winston-Salem, North Carolina
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

on this final day of release,

i want to let loose and be 

completely candid with you 

about my biggest fear: the end.

growing up, i always feared the end.

from super bowl two-minute warnings

or being forced to bed

or even mourning the loss of a friend,

i always find a way to dread 

the finale.

maybe that’s why

i think of you to this day.

i’m not ready to close this chapter.

on the day we met, i died of nervousness.

on the day feelings became mutual, i died of happiness.

and on the day of our separation, i nearly died of the fear

of losing you, since time no longer proceeded on our side.

so that is why

today, i have to say goodbye

to my beautiful butterfly,

hoping that you will let me let go

of the invisible string

that has kept me tethered

to the thought of us

for far too long.

and by the way,

thank you for sowing discord

in the fields of my peace.

my soul needed it.

and while today might mark a pause in our story,

let us hope it doesn’t last forever.

that way, i’ll never have to say

those two final words aloud:

the end…

The author's comments:

a poem about letting go of forbidden love

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