Threads | Teen Ink


August 2, 2023
By gogo7856 SILVER, Richmond, Virginia
gogo7856 SILVER, Richmond, Virginia
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
I'm not interested in preserving the status quo; I want to overthrow it. - Niccolo Machiavelli

Today I looked up

And tilted my head

What did I find?

A single blue thread


I reached up my hand

And closed my fingers around

This soft blue thread,

And brought it to the ground


But this thread didn’t end

It kept coming down

So I pulled and pulled

Until the sky drowned


The cool vivid blues

Turned to warm calm grays

And I kept pulling

The thread all-day


Until it piled ‘round me

And circled where I stood

I wanted to pull the sky down

And if I could

I would


So I kept a pullin’

Till the sky was no more

I had defeated the sky

I had won the war


So I went a yellin’

“I took down the sky!”

But the people around me

Started to cry:


How could you?

You monster.

You took it away!

From these words

I started to sway


“I did it”

I whispered

As tears fell from my eyes

Knees sank to ground

Covered with skies


And I tried to look up

But what did I see?

No sky was there

So I had to agree


It’s my fault

It is

I’ll take the blame

I pulled on the sky

And down it came


Down on the ground

I wiped my face and sighed

It wasn’t enough

But at least I tried

The author's comments:

"curiosity killed the cat"

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