My Flame | Teen Ink

My Flame

August 2, 2023
By Anonymous

Bright, fiery, enlightening, kindling flames

They catch my attention

As I move through the moments of my day

Heated, angry

Yet also motivating, inspiring

A source of light


Days can ignite a fire in my spirit

One that is willing and eager to take risks

And achieve excellence and success


But they can also ignite anger and heat

Heat enflamed in my spirits

From distress, confusion


But I move along

Embracing this flame

It is excited and doused at certain times

A certain drive, a certain anger

I’m careful to not let anyone douse my flame


Because what would be a day

Without this unyielding flame

This extreme and noticeable flame

The author's comments:

We all have a flame-- whether that be driven by our passion, personality, goals, hopes, and dreams... the list goes on. I picked two types of flame I experience most often and defined the difference betwene the two two while simultaneously connecting them as one. Although they each affect my life differently, they both matter because they make me fully myself.

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