The Pedestal | Teen Ink

The Pedestal

July 28, 2023
By Anonymous

The Pedestal.

 As of recently, it has been vacant yet it still stands mighty. 

Her Majesty has left her thrown, but the love and admiration continue blindly.

The queen is gone, but the throne remains.

She no longer rests on that pedestal in my mind, but the pedestal itself is everlasting,

 bolted into the ground, with chains. 

The pedestal. 

Gilded, yet constantly weighing me down. 

An impressionable block of fake gold weighing a thousand pounds. 

Despite the absence of the queen, the burden remains. 

My mind will never be free of its phony, shiny yellow stains.

An unshakable impression, molding my brain

I want to scream and expose the truth, but I refrain. 

The author's comments:

With this poem, I wanted to explore the feeling of having a person in your life that you once kept on a pedestal, but no longer do and how even in their absence they continue to influence you. This poem explores how that perfect version of a person is imprinted in your mind forever, even if you don't view them in that light anymore. The vacant pedestal in this poem is a symbol encapsulating the feeling of still holding a special place for that person in your mind even when they are not there to fill it. This poem is about relationships, friends, lasting impressions, and loss.

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