vines | Teen Ink


July 28, 2023
By lsingh34 BRONZE, Raleigh, North Carolina
lsingh34 BRONZE, Raleigh, North Carolina
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

my hair curls like ballerina twists

falling as family of vines 

softly hanging 

softly swaying

from the branches of bronze pine


oh all the compliments my coiling vines receive

as if they have mind of their own

with a bouquet of chrysanthemum looped through each 

laced with a mouth of gold


yes you may touch me

whispering swift yet never bold

shyness encapsulates 

her face drops with a loose smile


each follicle a flittering petal






with swift motion

twirling once yet never dying


nosy hands reach from afar   

aching fingers branded

more curious than a cub






for the baby pink bud like love

encased in floating doves

dazzled so honey sweet

too tempting not to touch



a petal falls

wrinkly finger wraps the vine

petting like a dog

sniffing like a fragrance 

yanking as if she will blossom 

into a vast garden of curls 

dancing flowers 

stretching roots

yet still confined by the greed of others


her life confined to a few short hours

perfectly plump

petals arranged on cue

vibrant with jojoba smoothie

radiating their coconut hue


until the next hand comes

like a cloud to the sun

doves rise with the utmost uncertainty 

wrestling with God


vines as if a specimen

chrysanthemum as if yours to touch


if only the two could speak

and tell the world 


hands off

The author's comments:

I have always had an “on-off” relationship with my hair. I love my curls. I love the way they make me feel. But, they elicit a response from other people that prompts not just touching, but almost “petting.”

This piece is my response to the world to stop touching my hair, and the curly hair that belongs to anyone else. It might seem like it’s an easy thing to say. “Don’t touch my hair.” It’s not. This poem is for the girls in the world who have a hard time saying no. Those who have a hard time expressing boundaries. Those with beautiful curls.

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